Monday, November 10, 2008

DVD delays...

As you know, I'd planned on having the DVD released by now. However, some significant things came up at the end of the month, and now for the past week I've been very sick. This is actually the first time I've been able to get up to my laptop since this past Thursday morning. While the DVD production is finished, this has prevented me from actually getting it reproduced to send off to everyone.

It's still in the plans, and won't take long to be reproduced once I get feeling a little better so stick with me!

Hopefully it's worth the wait.


Danny Neal said...


Unknown said...

I think Dan needs to direct the slacker at me. I *might* have mine done this weekend. Still need to do a cover and labels.

Andrew Pritchard said...

Well, it's all finished now so I'm ready to pass the "slacker" torch.