When I get bored at the computer I often find myself digging through the old photo folders on my hard drive, which is the same way I found all of the photos that I displayed during the "overlooked photos" series back in February. I will go out and shoot between 30 and 200 photos on an outing, and upload maybe an average of five. Mostly because the other photos sucked a lot. But sometimes a decent one sneaks by, and I happened to find one I liked quite a bit from the lake in Wisconsin last October. I shot the photo from a canoe while Scott Weberpal tried his hand at fishing.

Saturday afternoon I attended the Wisconsin vs. Northern Illinois football game at Soldier Field, which didn't exactly go the way I had planned. My plans did not include an NIU victory, but they certainly didn't include a 49-7 loss that had us headed for the exits at the end of the 3rd quarter. Normally I'm completely against leaving games early, but given Chicago traffic leaving the stadium, the Illinois football game being in a couple of hours, and us being down 42 points to a legitimate national championship contender, I was willing to head for the exits. I shot this panoramic shot on my droid during the first half. Since both schools share the same primary color of red, there was plenty to go around. It was hard to tell who was rooting for who until one team did something decent, which ended up not being us most of the time.

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