Well, the car hunt has ensued and should wrap up next week. I'm not getting as much as I had hoped from insurance, but it's probably not worth squabbling over at this point. By now, I'm ready for this headache to be over. One small decision to chase Iowa again has resulted in a two week debacle. I've really been leaning towards a Mazda6. I know some chasers will moan about wanting a bigger SUV or truck, but those just aren't me. I drive my car for storm chasing about 0.5% of the time that I'm driving it period, and while chasing avoiding shitty roads is not -that- hard. *pause a moment while we recall my tire / rim replacement of last month* Okay, big ass potholes are one thing, but I've never really been faced with my only road option being a sloshy mud pie. I feel more comfortable and enjoy the gas mileage of a smaller sporty car, and am a college aged male who enjoys a little response from the engine when I push down on the gas pedal.
Anyway, always like the Mazda6, even before I purchased the Stratus R/T. Very highly reviewed car, and pretty appealing to my tastes. More or less relying on the insurance settlement money, which as expected is not going to be a ton. Did find one that's very nice, black leather interior and fully loaded with one condition. It's yellow as hell. My question is, could a yellow car be pulled off? All the fellow storm chasers out there would see me coming, that's for sure. It's not an ugly car, just very yellow. I'm so used to black, that it'd be a big change. Everything about the car is exactly what I was looking for, but I'm like WHY ARE YOU YELLOW?
just paint it dude. maaco lol
because in the rice burner world yellow = performance.
I think it is fine...I was considering a yellow Cobalt at point. At least until I saw the burnt orange one.
You should get a Mazdaspeed 6 instead ... and one that isn't yellow. l o l-low
If I could afford a Mazdaspeed 6 with the insurance money, I wouldn't be getting a yellow 6.
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